How to Plan a Post-holiday Conference That People Come to

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After the standard two-week work hiatus enjoying all things summer, it’s not always an easy transition back into corporate-world for people (even if people only took short breaks).
Most of January is spent easing back in, planning for the year, in meetings and adapting to restructuring. While this is an exciting time, it’s difficult to try to connect with people and get them to start thinking about the conferences and attending events.
January and February are notoriously quiet months, corporately, but this doesn’t mean it’s not a great time to host a conference. Here are a few of the tactics and event management tips we suggest you adopt as you’re planning a conference that’ll take place in the first quarter of 2019.
People are busy this time of year, but they’re planning ahead. Tap into this opportunity to position your conference as an important node in their growth.
While you focus on connecting with your guests and selling tickets, let us take care of the logistics. By hosting your conference in our convention centre, you don’t need to worry about parking, catering, nearby activities, and accommodation (if it’s a multi-day event).
Connect with our conference organisers to ensure a successful event and have your guests asking when the next one is.